John Robertson ~ Level VII Ki Gong Master
John has been a member of World Ki Gong since 2005 and is one of only four Ki Gong Masters active today.
He is currently the Technical Advisor of World Ki Gong and is based in the Chicago suburbs in Illinois, he does
try to winter close to Sierra Vista in Arizona.
Practicing Ki Gong since 2000 and teaching since 2005 John currently sees around 276 students each week in
person and online in classes.
In 2012 he was awarded the World Tang Soo Do Association Humanitarian Aide Award for his
work in teaching Ki Gong to seniors.

He has taught Ki Gong in Regions 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 20, 21, 22, 23,
at the World Championships, the European Championships, the Latin American Championships,
at the U.S. Masters Clinic and the Latin America Masters Clinic.
In 2007 John traveled to China and South Korea with Grandmaster Shin,
and then Master, now Grandmaster Strong.